The People Project
founded as the Shekinah Gloria Ministries
EIN: 20-8766121

The People Project
Ph: 315.451.5121
Syracuse, NY USA

The People Project began humbly: trying to raise a few dollars to provide children living in extreme poverty in Trujillo, Peru with an education... giving them hope for a future. God's love for people and His plan for their lives was revealed to us then, and continues to this day!
Nearly 20 years later, The People Project serves as a shepherd to thousands of individuals and organizations connected through a single, common mission: providing hope to those in need. Our projects are now many, and the need is even greater. Our tiny school in Trujillo, Peru has blossomed into nearly a dozen schools worldwide with 1,500 students.
We hope you will find your passion and spirit of giving through one of our life-changing projects around the globe.
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ - Acts 20:35
Our Projects

Christmas Hope Campaign
Christmas Hope Campaign
Every soul deserves to feel Christ's love on Christmas! For over 10 years, The People Project has organized massive gift, food and water drives for the poor on 4 continents. Our current Christmas Hope Campaign is happening NOW!
We provide nearly 500 gifts to children in Syracuse, NY. Shoes and a toy for children in Africa. Toys for children in S. America. A Christmas gift for families in Asia.
Please help to make a difference TODAY to those who have been battling the Pandemic of Poverty their entire lives!

Hope for the Hungry
Hope for the Hungry
With Worldwide Hunger on the rise and nearly 690 million people going to bed hungry every night, The People Project has made food and nutrition the centerpiece of our mission of support. A year-round endeavor, our Hope for the Hungry Program is active in all 13 countries we serve providing essential meals both directly and through managed food programs. It starts in NY in collaboration with various organizations, and ends in Africa and South America. We have served more than five million meals and distributed hundreds of tons of rice, beans, corn, and bread to those in need so far!

Bringing the Spirit
Bringing The Spirit!
Founded as Shekinah Gloria Ministries, The People Project is devoted to spreading God's word around the World. We live by HIS example, spreading hope and joy to our less fortunate brothers and sisters through ministering, bible studies and distribution, building places of worship and of course, doing good deeds in the name of the God.

Water to the World
Water to the World
Clean water should not be a privilege but a right for every human being. Unfortunately, this is not the case. 844 million people lack access to clean drinking water globally. The People Project is committed to helping bring clean water to the World. Through distribution of clean water in several countries in Africa; India and Central America and assistance in building wells and irrigation systems, leading to water autonomy, we are giving a "glass of water to all who thirst."

Hope for Humanity
Hope for Humanity
People Helping People can take countless forms. We host various FREE weddings, baby showers, donation parties, etc. for those in need in New York.
With your help, we've provided disaster relief, emergency aide and more to the distressed globally.
With your help, we can do so much more!

Building Futures
Building Futures
Isaiah said, "There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain."
The People Project has established 10 schools internationally and educated over three thousand children globally. We currently have 1,500 students between our 9 schools. We have provided a free education for thousands, and with your help thousands more to come!